Philosopher Jim Rohn once said, "Treat your body like a temple, not a woodshed. The mind and body work together. Your body needs to be a good support system for the mind and spirit. If you take good care of it, your body can take you wherever you want to go, with the power and strength and energy and vitality you will need to get there."
Throughout my twenty years of life, I have learned that taking care of my body is one of the most important things I can do in life. Not everyone has this mindset, considering the way we destroy our bodies and treat it like a waste basket. Think about it--I mean, we are alive and are given this unique body to live in throughout our existence here on earth…don't you think we should pay a little more attention to it and treat it with the care it needs to survive? Essentially, it is what is keeping us alive, after all.
I've decided to share with you guys ten things you can do/don't do, to treat your body right, which will lead to a happier and healthier lifestyle.
1. SLEEP! I can't stress this enough, something we spend half of our lives doing, yet many of us refuse to take advantage of. Sleep is vital in maintaining good health and well-being throughout our lives. Most importantly, sleep helps our brain function properly and give it the rest it needs in order to prepare us for another day. Studies have shown that a good night's sleep helps in learning, paying attention, creativity, and problem-solving. On the other hand, when you don't get enough sleep, it can lead to problems with all of the benefits I named above and has also been linked to depression and suicide. In my opinion, this is a given. We always feel better when we get enough sleep, am I right? In addition, sleep helps our physical well-being in growth and development and healing our bodies, as the immune system relies heavily on sleep to stay healthy. Sleep deficiency has also been linked to increased risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, etc. So next time you think about pulling that all-nighter, think again.
2. If you smoke tobacco, please STOP! We've all been made aware of the negative effects of smoking cigarettes, yet it seems like I see a handful of people doing this everyday *sad face*. That's like someone telling you to jump off a cliff, and then you actually doing it. You're literally intaking chemicals that aren't meant to be in your body--there are over 7,000 chemicals, 250 which are known to be harmful, and 69 which are cause cancer. Smoking tobacco also causes over 470,000 premature deaths in the U.S. each year! 470,000!!! WTF! Also, not only are you hurting yourself, but also those around you from secondhand smoke. There's over 7,000 lung cancer deaths each year among non-smokers as a result of secondhand smoke. It's also addictive, which can be hard to overcome--but there are so many ways to get the help you need to quit. And I'm sure it's easy not to think about these things while smoking, but it truly is killing you and those around you.
3. Another popular, yet damaging activity--drinking alcohol. Take it easy, pleeeasseeeeeee. I mean, nothing is wrong with having a few drinks every now and then, but damn, some of you just act like this stuff is water! If nobody's ever told you to tone it down on the drinking, well here I am! I used to think drinking was soooo fun, until I became more conscious of what it does to us and our bodies, which definitely outweighs the "benefits". If you're a drinker, then I'm sure you already know alcohol causes blackouts, memory loss, anxiety, vomiting. In the worst cases, it causes cancer, brain damage, heart attack, stroke, etc. It also makes you gain weight, makes both men and women infertile, gives you bad skin, and ruins your mental health. A lot of people I know say they drink to cope with difficult situations and emotions, and that it reduces stress or relieves anxiety, BUT alcohol is actually associated with a load of mental health problems including depression, anxiety, risk-taking behaviour, personality disorders and schizophrenia. Also you don't feel good when you wake up the next morning, if anything alcohol itself let's you know it isn't good for you, but we always go back for more. Honestly, if nothing good comes from it--I stay away. These days, I'm all about bettering myself and trying to reach my goals, and even though drinking may not seem so detrimental, it definitely isn't helping me get to where I want to be.
4. If you drink anything, it should be that good ol' H2O! Water is a major key to living a healthy life. Over half of our bodies is made up of water, which is why it is so important to drink. Drinking water helps maintain our bodies fluids and functions, helps control calories, energized muscles, promotes healthy skin, gets rid of toxins, and without it you can become dehydrated. Dehydration isn't fun at all, I actually passed out once from being dehydrated--not the greatest memory. I don't remember who it was, and even if I did it wouldn't mention their name, but this girl once told me she didn't like water. It made me laugh, at first I thought she was joking but soon realized she was being completely serious. At that moment, I knew we weren't raising our children right LOL. How can you not like something that you're about 60% made up of AND that keeps you alive…I was so confused, but I'm sure she learned to like it eventually. In high school, I actually made the decision to stop drinking soda and other processed drinks that we often replace for water. One of the best decisions I've ever made! I'm all about that high quality H2O.
5. Eat smart. "You are what you eat, so don't be fast, easy, cheap or fake!" Not sure who said that one, but it sure is true. Ann Wigmore once said, "The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison", which has stuck with me for the past few years as I've made a more conscious effort to eat only what serves me good. Most of us can decipher which foods are unhealthy and which are good for you. Overly processed foods, which are high in saturated fats, salts, refined sugars, preservatives, additives and chemicals, with names you can't pronounce, are not the good guys! Unfortunately, the Western diet consists of most of these things. Many people make the excuses that it's too expensive to eat healthy or they could never do it--but if you truly care about your health and well-being, you will spend a few extra bucks to eat good and feel good. I no longer eat meat (almost a year) and rarely ever indulge in candy or sweets, but I feel the best that I have ever felt, while bettering my health and consuming more fruits and veggies! There are many health risks and cons to eating meat, but that's for another time--I'll let you research it yourself. Overall, I know I have brought my health to greater heights and don't constantly feel disgusted by what I put in my body, like I used to. As an athlete, I used to eat soooo much, probably more than I needed to. I mean, I used to have thirds of every meal, used to eat fast food, candy, chips, sweets, everything under the sun that wasn't good for me. Once I stopped playing sports like I used to, I began to actually see and feel how this food affected me. I learned that I had to start paying attention to what I was putting inside my body, for that is what fuels me. Every now and then I'll have some of my favorite chips, candy, or ice cream feeling no regret, but never like I used to. Some of us eat these things everyday and are unaware of how these "foods" affect our bodies in the long-term. Do some research, learn what's good for you and what isn't. Being more conscious as to what you put in your body is only beneficial.
6. Take the time to meditate. Everyone I always suggest meditation to never actually tries it, but I promise it will truly change your life if you allow it to. We often find ourselves "too busy" or "stressed out" in life and we fail to recognize our mental health is probably one of the most important keys in keeping us sane. We get so wrapped up in the physical world and forget that there's so much more to reality than what's on the outside. Meditation grounds us in ways that nothing else can and there are so many benefits, it's hard to believe all the good it does and nobody has ever taught us to do it. However, if you think about it, nobody has ever taught us to do many of the things that are beneficial to our well-being-- something to ponder on. Meditation fills us with more energy, while at the same time bringing our brainwave pattern into a relaxed state that promotes healing in our body, mind, and spirit. Meditation makes us aware that our inner being and attitude is the thing that actually determines our happiness. It induces a mode of consciousness where you acknowledge that you can actually control your thoughts, rather than letting them be apart of you. When I explain meditation I tell people that our whole lives we are constantly thinking, no matter what you are doing there are thoughts going in and out of our minds and we were never told that we can actually control the thoughts we have by training our minds to observe rather than react with emotion to those thoughts. One way to stop the flow of thoughts that many of us believe is 'uncontrollable' is by focusing on your breath; while you focus your attention on nothing but your inhale and exhale--it is actually impossible to think of anything…and if you do find yourself thinking about something it's because you have stopped focusing on your breath. Imagine how cool that is, to think of nothing. It's probably one of the most liberating feelings I have ever experienced. Also, it didn't just happen in one try or overnight…just like anything else meditation takes practice, so it's important not to get frustrated. By meditating (being mindful) you will experience a plethora of scientific benefits such as increased energy, decreased stress/anxiety, reduced need for alcohol/substance, improved attention/info processing/decision making, higher pain tolerance, pain relief, memory, mood/psychological well-being, creativity, reduced blood pressure/disease/inflammation, improved relationships/love/empathy, increases compassion, and decreases worry…JUST TO NAME A FEW! Can you believe there are so many more benefits than all I just named off AND they are actually scientifically proven?! One of the coolest benefits in my opinion, is the increased grey matter concentration in the brain, which includes regions of the brain responsible for muscle control, hearing, memory, emotions, speech, decision making, and self-control.
7. UNPLUG. These days we are so connected to technology with our TVs, phones, tablets, and forms of media right at our fingertips 24/7 that we often become unconscious to the world around us. Technology does have some great benefits that we use everyday and I would never argue against responsible use of it, but it's becoming increasingly obvious that we are developing an unhealthy attachment to it--that some of us don't even realize, which is the sad part. Technology does indeed have a power-off button, we just need to learn how to use it. Unplugging helps decrease feelings of jealousy/envy/loneliness, combats the fear of missing out, gives us time to actually focus on our existence and of others, and brings us back to living in the moment. If you're not living in the moment, you're not living at all. We are constantly missing out on authentic, real, experiences that are happening in front of us everyday and many will never repeat themselves. Also, we are losing our sense of social connection with each other because of the social media world. These days it's hard for people to keep eye-contact or even have a conversation because they don't know how to. It's important that we recognize the need to unplug and however often, is up to you.
8. Listen to your body. Take the time to have some 'me time' regularly. We rarely allow ourselves the chance to unwind and spend the time doing the things we love because we constantly feel the need to be doing something else. Schedule some regular 'me time' for yourself every so often to de-stress and regroup. This is essential to our happiness and is a chance to refocus on what really matters, you. It could be as simple as meeting a friend for dinner, going to the beach, watching a movie, taking a bath, or spending a relaxing day at the spa. Anything that makes you feel good and allows you the time to relax and have a good time is definitely worthwhile.
9. Exercise!! This is one of the best things you can do for your body, all you have to do is move it. Yoga is one of my favorite ways to exercise because it's relaxing and it is also a form of meditation. First exercise helps control weight, which is very important to maintain. It also helps combat health conditions and diseases if done regularly. In addition, exercise improves mood and boosts your energy, which is why you always feel so good after working out! It also helps us get a better night's sleep and as long as you have a positive attitude about it, it can be fun! A lot of people I know also workout to release stress and get their mind off things, which is another one of its great benefits!
10. Lastly, keep a gratitude journal. Once you become more aware of your body you will become more aware of the mindset within. Having a positive outlook on life is the foundation for a happy life. Be grateful for everything that has brought you to where you are today. Once a week, or every night (which I suggest) think about all the things you're grateful for and write them down. They can be as small as the sock on your foot, to as big as the home you live in. When you sit down and force yourself to think about and write out all the things you are grateful for in life, you will begin to focus on these things more than you focus on the things you complain about. Gradually you will get to a point in life where you no longer think about things you're without, but rather appreciate all that you have. Too often we choose to focus on the negatives in life and complain about things that are so insignificant in the bigger scheme of things. A gratitude journal will help ground us and help us to be more thankful for the many blessings we have, yet often forget about.
These are ten things I do to treat my body like a temple! There are countless more you can try, which all lead to a happier and healthier life for yourself and those around you. It is important with all the negativity in the world, to be a person that spreads light, positivity, and to overall be a proliferator of good vibes. Start today, make a change, start treating yourself the way you deserve to be treated! Love yourself, take care of yourself, for you are the most important thing in your life!
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